Hotel life

Because I cannot travel every day as I wish, I chose to work in a hotel! And what an experience! I’m lucky to meet new people every day, the multicultural exchange is fantastic, the hotel never sleeps, and this microbe was for me the cure for the constant craving of knowledge and travel, the surprise that I can go to my job as if I do not work. It’s like a city where something is always happening and you sit and direct, act or assist if the situation requires. I am for 14 years now in the hotel industry and I can say that it was the best choice.

Writing is a passion I always had, but on my every cell is written in capital letters HOTELIER! What does it mean? That you can put me in the middle of a hotel and I feel where its heart beats! From the resting bed to the view, from foie gras to tuna tartar, from events in the conference rooms to relaxing spas, the luxury or the services of how many stars you want have one single engine: PEOPLE! And the most beautiful thing is that you constantly learn, everything is unexpected and surprising, especially because this is what you must deliver: Experiences! And people are always a source of inspiration, be they colleagues or guests!

The hotel life has everything you want: cultural and language barriers, innovation, dirty words, stress, anger, laughter to the edge of fainting, friends, soap operas, pantomime, many that you cannot talk about, fantasy and most of all it has effervescence!! Like in a glass of champagne that you fill without stopping so that bubbles always rise and break the cover of human behavior in unpredictable ways that put you in unusual situations. And then you tell yourself confidently, „I did this, too!” Because nowhere like here one can embody diplomacy with lightness, seriousness with amusement, depth with superficiality, refinement with simplicity! The hotel may seem limited by standards and procedures, but it is still so diverse and changing as fashion is, in a permanent reinvention. Here you always come out of the comfort zone because you must act under Now’s pressure.

My experience is vast and whether you are talking about opening, operating, renovating, re-branding, you speak my language! And if I do not know something, I’m telling you! But I learn to know!

For better and for worse, the hotel is part of my family!

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